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Five new titles from 500Plus Spiritual productions

1- What is Reformed Theology by Dr. R. C. Sproul

There is something healthy about returning to one’s roots. When it comes to evangelical Christianity, its roots are found in the soil of the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation. Just as the Reformers protested the corrupt teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, so today evangelicalism itself is in need of a modern reformation. In What Is Reformed Theology?, Dr. R.C. Sproul offers a comprehensive introduction to Reformed theology. Simply put, it is the theology of the Protestant Reformers and the heart of historical evangelicalism. As C.H. Spurgeon once said, Reformed theology is nothing other than biblical Christianity.

2- The Reformed Faith by Pastor Suhail Saoud

The heart and soul of Reformed theology is the glory of the triune God (Ps. 96:3; John 17:1). For this reason, it is often called “God-centered” theology. B. B. Warfield said, “The Calvinist, in a word, is the man who sees God. . . God in nature, God in history, God in grace. Everywhere he sees God in His mighty stepping, everywhere he feels the working of His mighty arm, the throbbing of His mighty heart.” The magnificent obsession of Reformed Christianity, and indeed the very purpose for which mankind exists, is “to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever,” in this book Pastor Suhail Saoud, pastor at the presbyterian Church in Beirut, explore the hearts and the minds of the first reformers to share with us how they saw and taught the principles of this precious faith.

3: The God of my Mother by Danny Burmawi

Searching for the true God, Dani Burmawi found Him in Christ, by faith and through God’s grace. Eager to convey his experience to the world around him, he was inspired to write and publish his first book: “The God of My Grandmother” where he explains the battle he was involved with: “This is the battle that believers in Christ live. It is not a battle between a nature that wants to do good and a nature that wants to do evil; It is rather a battle between a nature that wants to be justified by works (the flesh) and a nature that wants to be justified by faith (the spirit)”.

4- When Foundations Collapse

“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3)
Based on a Bible verse from Psalm 11:3, a series of sermons given by Rev. Toni Skaff were collected originally in English and now translated into Arabic under the title of: “When the foundations are destroyed”.Rev. Skaff is focusing on the Sovereignty of God and His presence in the life of His suffering people. Please pray that this book will strengthen the believers and build the body of Christ in the Arabic-speaking world. 500Plus will soon provide this book for free. the book will be available at our bookstore and online in Kindle format.

Books are available for free at our Calvin’s Café

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