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In Lebanon this month, many people are staying home instead of going to their offices to work or to their schools to teach or to the market to sell and buy. This time, however, it’s not because of covid-19 and the covid-19 delta variant; it’s about the almost total lack of gasoline.

In a country that has become no stranger to crisis, the fuel shortage is the latest in a series of catastrophes, ranging from an economic collapse to a pandemic that has closed the doors of many businesses, to an explosion that killed over 200 people.

Some drivers come at the early hours of each morning just to be first or second in line. Hundreds of drivers are lining up their cars under the heat of the summer all over Lebanon for long hours just to fill their cars with 10 liters of gas, and sometimes less!

During its weekly planning meeting, the Oikos team had a brilliant idea of distributing cold bottles of water to the drivers while sharing the Good News with them through different types of literature and online tools. For this reason, the team headed on the 7th of July to different petrol stations, pushing metal carts in front of them that they borrowed from one of the nearby malls, full of cold bottles of water and talking to each car driver about Jesus. Most of these people come from a non-Christian background, and all of them welcomed and thanked our team for their efforts to ease their pain and suffering.

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